Ep. 12 Joint tenants vs. Tenants in Common - What is the difference?
Joint tenants vs. Tenants in Common - you've probably heard these words but do you know what they actually mean? In this episode we take a dive into the history of land ownership and how your holding of property can affect your estate planning.
Ep. 4 Enduring Power of Attorney in Queensland and why you need one!
In this episode we discuss the special features we recommend putting into your enduring powers of attorney, when they should kick in and who you should appoint as your attorneys.
Ep. 3 Why you DON't want a DIY Will! Picked up a DIY Will Kit at the post office - eek! Your estate plan might be in jeopardy!
In this episode we explore why a DIY Will might be a good idea for the hip pocket, but not for your loved ones after you pass. Come find out why!
Ep. 2 Do I really need a Will? Absolutely! Let's explore why you need a will even if you don't think you do!
On our first substantive episode we explore the reasons why you need a Will and what happens if you do not have one when you die.
Ep. 1 Get to know your host Lidia Vicca, director of Vicca Law
Join us as we meet Lidia Vicca, director of Vicca Law and host of the Vicca Podcast.