47. 2024 Wrap Up - Estate Planning Trends

As 2024 comes to a close, several key trends in estate planning and administration have emerged, reflecting the evolving needs and priorities of families and individuals. From the rise of right to reside clauses offering stability for loved ones, to testamentary trusts safeguarding children’s inheritances, this year has seen a strong focus on protecting assets and securing legacies. Innovations such as guardianship funds for minor children and strategies for managing foreign assets have also gained attention, addressing the complexities of modern estate planning.

In this episode of the Vicca Law Podcast, we explore these prominent trends, offering insights into how they can shape your estate plan to meet your goals and adapt to life’s challenges.

Tune in to this episode to learn more about 2024’s estate planning trends and how to incorporate them into your plan.

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Season 2 Ep. 1 Planning for your Minor Children


46. Charitable gifts in your Will